TOP 40 mike tyson inspirational quotes
TOP 40 Mike Tyson Inspirational Quotes

Written by Sufyan.lali

April 21, 2024

Mike Tyson Inspirational Quotes :

"When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him."

1.”When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him.”

– Mike Tyson

2.”Lennox is a conqueror? No! He’s no Alexander! I’m Alexander! I’m the best ever. I’m Sonny Liston. I’m Jack Dempsey. There’s never been anyone like me. I’m from their cloth.”

– Mike Tyson

 3.“My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I’m ferocious.”

– Mike Tyson

4.”In order for me to achieve … I had to regard myself greater than what I was. In other words, I had to fake it until I make it.”

– Mike Tyson

"There is no one who can match me."

5.”There is no one who can match me.”

– Mike Tyson

6.”A champion does it like he loves it, even when he doesn’t.”

– Mike Tyson

7.”I’ve lost all my sensitivity as far as being embarrassed, being shy, you just have to lose that.”

– Mike Tyson

8.”Greatness is given to us all. But only a select few can handle the ride.”

– Mike Tyson

9.”Every win, regardless a good or bad one, gives you more confidence.”

– Mike Tyson

"I'm successful because I'm valuable, not valuable because I'm successful."

10.”I’m successful because I’m valuable, not valuable because I’m successful.”

– Mike Tyson

 11.”There’s nothing like confidence.”

– Mike Tyson

12.”I don’t dream anymore. All I do is manifest because they’re better than dreams and they come to reality quicker.”

– Mike Tyson

13.”When you have something in life that you want to accomplish greatly, you have to be willing to give up your happiness.”

– Mike Tyson

14.”Without struggle, there is no progress. There has to be a struggle in your life.”

– Mike Tyson

"You must always be in a state of confidence. And the way you sustain a state of confidence is by testing yourself."

15.”You must always be in a state of confidence. And the way you sustain a state of confidence is by testing yourself.”

– Mike Tyson

16.”You have to grow in experience to control your ego. Cause, you know, an ego can be crushed, it can be killed, it can be smashed, but it comes back. It never dies. That’s the thing about the ego: it never dies.”

– Mike Tyson

17.”You never lose until you actually give up.”

– Mike Tyson

18.”Giving up is the easiest thing in the world. That’s why so many people do it.”

– Mike Tyson

19.”We all have to control our feelings. That’s the thing that separates us from animals.”

– Mike Tyson

"Confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence."

20.”Confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence.”

– Mike Tyson

21.”In order to succeed greatly, you have to be prepared to fail greatly. If you can’t do both of them, you’ve got a problem.”

– Mike Tyson

22.”We wanna believe that we’re different than the average guy that’s working 9 to 5, that our thoughts are different than his, our inspirations and desires are different than his, that’s why we succeed and he didn’t. ‘Cause we wanna believe we’re different, but he just didn’t get the break that we had or he wasted it on something else.”

– Mike Tyson

23.”You need to learn independence. You have to be independent. It builds character.”

– Mike Tyson

24.”When you take a risk doing what you love, that’s exciting.”

– Mike Tyson

"It’s just my first love ever, birds. Flying pigeons."

25.”It’s just my first love ever, birds. Flying pigeons.”

– Mike Tyson

26.”The fall is worth the climb.”

– Mike Tyson

27.”The deeper you dig the deeper you become.”

– Mike Tyson

28.”Tearing yourself down is just as powerful as building yourself up.”

– Mike Tyson

29.”Never say negative things about yourself. The subconscious doesn’t know if you’re playing or not.”

– Mike Tyson

"I only succeed when I help others succeed."

30.”I only succeed when I help others succeed.”

– Mike Tyson

31.”Equality is in your heart. No can tell you they’re better than you.”

– Mike Tyson

32.”If you have nothing good to say, don’t say nothing at all.”

– Mike Tyson

33.”I’m a strong exponent of gratitude. The universe gave me gratitude and I don’t take that for granted.”

– Mike Tyson

34.”Being tough doesn’t work in the real world, outside of boxing. You gotta be smart.”

– Mike Tyson

 35.”We have to evolve to be a better generation than those that came before us.”

– Mike Tyson

36.”Life is just a beautiful process of dying. As soon as you are born the process begins.”

– Mike Tyson

37.”Anger is my biggest enemy in life.”

– Mike Tyson

38.”I don’t know, man, I guess I’m gonna fade into Bolivian.”

– Mike Tyson

39.“My power is discombobulatingly devastating. I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.”

– Mike Tyson

"I can't change myself. I’m Mike Tyson. I'm a regular kid from the ghetto striving to do something positive with myself. I happen to fight well."

40.”I can’t change myself. I’m Mike Tyson. I’m a regular kid from the ghetto striving to do something positive with myself. I happen to fight well.”

– Mike Tyson

RELATED :TOP 50 Mike Tyson Motivational Quotes.





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