Mike Tyson Motivational Quotes
TOP 50 Mike Tyson Motivational Quotes

Written by Sufyan.lali

April 20, 2024

 Mike Tyson Motivational Quotes :

“You need to learn independence. You have to be independent – it builds character.”

1.“You need to learn independence. You have to be independent – it builds character.”

– Mike Tyson

2.“Everybody thinks this is a tough man’s sport. This is not a tough man’s sport. This is a thinking man’s sport. A tough man is gonna get hurt real bad in this sport.”

– Mike Tyson

3.“I’m scared every time I go into the ring, but it’s how you handle it. What you have to do is plant your feet, bite down on your mouthpiece and say, ‘Let’s go.”

– Mike Tyson

4.“I don’t try to intimidate anybody before a fight. That’s nonsense. I intimidate people by hitting them.”

– Mike Tyson

“Fighting is not physical, fighting is spiritual. It’s the determination and the will in the guy.”

5.“Fighting is not physical, fighting is spiritual. It’s the determination and the will in the guy.”

– Mike Tyson

6.”It’s good to know how to read, but it’s dangerous to know how to read and not how to interpret what you’re reading.”
– Mike Tyson
7.“I’m gonna make sure you talk about me, and your grandkids and kids after that gonna know about me…your great-grandkids will say “wow, wasn’t that a bizarre individual?”
– Mike Tyson
8.“Everyone says “I wish I was in your shoes…”, the hundreds of people that wish they were in my shoes don’t know the tenth of it. If they were in my shoes they would cry like a baby.”
– Mike Tyson
9.“Our money is bait money, and bait money is not to be used.”
– Mike Tyson
“Fighting is not physical, fighting is spiritual. It’s the determination and the will in the guy.”
10.“Many times I quit boxing even before I became a professional boxer”
 11.“There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, just don’t make the same ones. We don’t want to duplicate them.”
– Mike Tyson
12.“Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can’t control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you.”
– Mike Tyson
13.“If you don’t do it for passion and love, the emotional outcome will be disastrous.”
– Mike Tyson
14.“When you have something in life that you want to accomplish greatly, you have to be willing to give up your happiness…I’ve lost all my sensitivity as far as being embarrassed, being shy, you just have to lose that.”
– Mike Tyson
“Fighting is a sport if you’re not humble it’s going to bring humbleness to you.”
15.“Fighting is a sport if you’re not humble it’s going to bring humbleness to you.”
– Mike Tyson
16.”I just want to do what I do best, and that’s fight. I love it.”
– Mike Tyson
17.I feel like sometimes that I was not meant for this society.”
– Mike Tyson
18.“You come home, and you party. But after that, you get a hangover. Everything about that is negative.”
– Mike Tyson
19.“Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t have fun accomplishing your goals. Sometimes people don’t have the determination, the will, the steadfastness, the tenacity, they give in under the slightest struggle.”
– Mike Tyson
“Hard times fall upon everybody. Whatever it is, we’re going to get out of it.”
20.“Hard times fall upon everybody. Whatever it is, we’re going to get out of it.”
21.“If I have to live at the top of the world, I also have to live at the bottom of the ocean. I don’t know how to live in the middle of life.”
– Mike Tyson
22.“I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.”
– Mike Tyson
23.“In order for me to achieve… I had to regard myself greater than what I was. In other words, I had to fake it until I make it.”
– Mike Tyson
24.“I can’t change myself. I’m Mike Tyson. I’m a regular kid from the ghetto striving to do something positive with myself. I happen to fight well.”
– Mike Tyson
“A good fighter needs to be diligent, committed and disciplined doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it.”
25.“A good fighter needs to be diligent, committed and disciplined doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it.”
– Mike Tyson
26.“As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.”
– Mike Tyson
27.“Anger is my biggest enemy in life.”
– Mike Tyson
28.“I’m the biggest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don’t believe it, check the cash register.”
– Mike Tyson
29.“My style was impetuous, my defenses were impregnable, and I was ferocious.”
– Mike Tyson
“The ability to apply the discipline, the ability to do what needs to be done no matter how he feels inside, in my opinion, is the definition of a true professional.”
 30.“The ability to apply the discipline, the ability to do what needs to be done no matter how he feels inside, in my opinion, is the definition of a true professional.”
31.“There is no one who can match me.”
– Mike Tyson
32.“The only thing I do is just pray for inspiration, for a way of thinking, because I don’t have any particular goal in sight.”
– Mike Tyson
33.“Everyone that you fight is not your enemy and everyone who helps you is not your friend.”
– Mike Tyson
34.“I had to persevere because this was my life. This championship, this was the stuff I dreamt of all my life, and I wasn’t gonna be denied.”
– Mike Tyson
“Without struggle, there is no progress. There has to be a struggle in your life.”
35.“Without struggle, there is no progress. There has to be a struggle in your life.”
36.“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”
– Mike Tyson
37.“Another thing that freaks me out is time. Time is like a book. You have a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s just a cycle.”
– Mike Tyson
38.“I just want to do what I do best, and that’s fight. I love it.”
– Mike Tyson
39.“Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.”
– Mike Tyson
“I’m a bad guy. But if I was a good guy, nobody would want to pay to see me fight.”
40.“I’m a bad guy. But if I was a good guy, nobody would want to pay to see me fight.”
41.“If they don’t have that extreme addict personality, you can never understand how a guy can blow 300 or 400 million dollars. If I have to live at the top of the world, I also have to live at the bottom of the ocean. I don’t know how to live in the middle of life.”
– Mike Tyson
42.“I had to persevere because this was my life. This championship, this was the stuff I dreamt of all my life, and I wasn’t gonna be denied.”
– Mike Tyson
43.“Sometimes I’d give my mother a hundred bucks and she wouldn’t pay me back. She didn’t respect me like that. I’d say, ‘You owe me some money, Ma.’ And she’d just say, ‘You owe me your life, boy. I’m not paying you back.”
– Mike Tyson
44.“I don’t react to a tragic happening any more. I took so many bad things as a kid and some people think I don’t care about anything. It’s just too hard for me to get emotional. I can’t cry no more.”
– Mike Tyson
“When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him.”
45.“When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him.
46.”Hard times fall upon everybody. Whatever it is, we’re going to get out of it.”
– Mike Tyson
47.”I’m successful because I’m valuable, not valuable because I’m successful.”
– Mike Tyson
48.”I’ve lost all my sensitivity as far as being embarrassed, being shy, you just have to lose that.”
– Mike Tyson
49.”I believe in humanity. I believe people want to do good, but some people just can’t do it.”
– Mike Tyson
"Kindness and compassion are so powerful."
50.”Kindness and compassion are so powerful.”
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